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Parent Communication w/ Zoom

Submitted on: November 20, 2020


Due to COVID-19, SHARE is limiting Face to Face Contact

How does Zoom work?

You can use zoom on almost any device, including a phone.

Log-in to Any Meeting using the Zoom Meeting ID and Password.  Parents can also zoom in by phone by dialing the number provided and meeting ID and Access Code.  Log-in information is provided on meeting/training flyers provided for parents. 

What can parents and staff do in Zoom?

Besides just voice-chatting, Zoom gives parents and staff plenty of tools to interact with each other and the teacher, work together, and even break off into smaller groups -- just as if they were sitting with each other in a classroom. But if teachers don't need these capabilities for class, or if they're causing problems, they can all be turned off. Here's just a sampling of what you can do if these features are enabled:

  • Share screen.This allows the entire class to view one person's computer screen. Students can even annotate a document on another kid's computer. Teachers can restrict this so only their screen can be shared.
  • This is a brainstorming tool that lets kids toss ideas around, such as for a group project.
  • Breakout rooms. The teacher can divide students up into smaller groups, and then bring the entire class back together.
  • Raise hand, clap, disagree, speed up, slow down.These are icons kids can use to: let the teacher know they have a question or comment, react to something, or ask the teacher to talk faster or slower.
  • Chat with the group. Kids can send a message to the entire class.
  • Private chat. Just like passing notes, kids can send direct, personal messages to other kids in the class. The teacher can't view private chats between students.
  • Random meeting ID. Though you can use the same meeting ID for every class, Zoom recommends teachers use random meeting IDs (which is an option when they're creating the invitation). It's less convenient, but it's more secure.
  • Participants can -- and should -- mute themselves when they're not speaking. But the teacher can also mute students individually or all at once.
  • Staff can control whether parents and students can chat publicly and privately.
  • Disable video. As a participant, you can join the meeting with audio only and then turn on the video once you're ready. Teachers can also disable an individual participant's video.
  • Nonverbal feedback. These optional little icons let parents and students raise their hands, give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down, and even let the teacher know they need a break, all without interrupting the class. 
  • Lock the meeting. Remember when your stickler-for-punctuality algebra teacher used to lock the classroom door after the bell rang? Teachers can lock a Zoom meeting, so no one else can enter until the teacher personally approves them.
  • Waiting rooms. This is like a lobby or a velvet rope at a club: Participants are held in a virtual room, and the teacher admits them one by one to make sure no scofflaws gain access. 
  • Turn off file transfer. Students can share memes, GIFs, and even quiz answers through the chat -- unless the teacher disables this feature.

Please contact Patrice Hawthorne @ (864) 233-4128 or [email protected]  if you need assistance with ZOOM Log-in.  We are encouraging all parents and families to download the zoom app on your mobile device.  We are encouraging all parents & families to engage in opportunities throughout the year using the zoom app.  If you need resources, such as, a mobile hotspot and/or device to assist you with continuing communication efforts with our program, please feel free to contact us for further assistance. 

Please see the link below for ZOOM tutorials:

Other means of Communication:

  • E-mailing staff
  • Telephone (864) 233-4128
  • Visiting Parent Portal on agency’s website