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Policy Council Minutes April 2022

Submitted on: May 12, 2022

Monday, April 18, 2022

Members Present:  Tamika Rowe, Angela Brown, Dorett Gunter, Carl Powe, Cherrie Kelly, Kanisha Davis, Krashanda Snead, Donnittia Robinson, Demetria Hall, Lisa Butler, Brittany Lyle, Lakeisha Johnson, Kayle Boyd, Avis Neal

Members Absent:  Janelly Ortiz, Megan Crocker, Crystal Gray, Brianna Williams, Brittany Money, Justin Grant, Jessica Godfrey, Melissa Gregory, Shashattia Banks, Satyn Gardner, Brianna Williams, Jana Bridges,

Mini Training: A mini training was provided for the Policy Council. Ms. Hawthorne prepared a refresher of the Self-Assessment Purpose & Process. The training included an explanation of the Management Systems Wheel and the twelve areas of focus. These areas are included to increase the efficacy of the evaluation. Additionally, the assessments are done quarterly to ensure goals are met in a timelier manner.  Ms. Patrice encouraged the Policy Council to participate in the self-assessment process. She posed the question to the council, how are things communicated to the Policy Council? The feedback included, receiving information by email and through council meetings. A suggestion was made to receive packages in more of an advance as well as receiving text messages when things more urgent. Another way of communicating out information is the parent portal. Parents and community members are welcome to present information via the parent portal.  Next, Ms. Hawthorne touched on the Five Phases of the assessment process. Design the Process, Engage the Team, Analyze & Dialogue, Make Recommendations and Prepare Report. Ms. Hawthorne explained each phase to the council. We are currently in Phase 3 of the self-assessment which is Analyze & Dialogue.

The Policy Council meeting was called to order by Dorett Gunter, Chair. A quorum was met.


Approval of March 18th, 2022 minutes was presented by Dorett Gunter. Tamika Rowe moved to approve the minutes and Lakeisha Johnson seconded the motion. Votes were submitted to the chat box.  Motion carried.


The Personnel Report was presented by LaTisha Blake, HR. Currently there are no personnel candidates to approve for the month of April. Tamika Rowe moved to approve the personnel report as presented. Lakeisha Johnson seconded the motion. Votes were submitted to the chat box. Motion carried.


Impasse Procedures were presented by Shannon Vaughn, Interim Director. Ms. Vaughn directed the council’s attention to the Head Start Program Performance Standards, 1301.6, Impasse Procedures. She highlighted SHARE’s policies and procedures for resolving disputes between the board and policy council. Prior to involving a third party, the appropriate officer from each body will work to come to a resolution. They will decide on a mutually agreed upon date and time. This will take place within 30 days of the conflict. If the conflict cannot be resolved the next step would be remediation and the region office will be called in to assist. At this point the bodies will bring a third party that is agreed upon by all governing bodies. If there is still no resolution, the next and final step is arbitration by an agreed upon arbitrator and a hearing will be schedule. Again, this was an overview, and the council is advised to read the procedures for themselves. Ms. Hawthorne added that the procedures and bylaws were approved back in October 2021 and Impasse Procedures have been part of the bylaws for the last five years. Yearly, the policy council and board chairs should sign the impasse procedures as noted on the document. This will be done going forward. Lakeisha Johnson moved to approve the Impasse Procedures as presented. Demetria Hall moved to second the motion. Votes were submitted to the chat box. Motion carried.


The Director’s Report was presented by Ms. Shannon Vaughn, Interim Head Start Director.  Ms. Vaughn highlighted page 5 of the report relating to children with disabilities. She pointed out where we are as it relates to “actual enrollment” and “funded enrollment” and that the grace period to get to our “funded enrollment” is running out. (see the numbers in the chart below). We are below enrollment for both Head Start and Early Head Start. If the enrollment is not met by the deadline, we will have to submit for a waiver (See enrollment below).


          ERSEA Head Start/Early Head Start Enrollment and Attendance

                                                                 March 2022


                    ENROLLMENT (Goal is 1337 with 1003 for HS and 334 for EHS)




































































ENROLLMENT NOTES: HS reportable enrollment is 695 due to having 17 vacancies less than 30 days.  EHS reportable enrollment is 283 which includes 276 children, 6 Pregnant Women, and 1 vacancies less than 30 days. The division of enrolled participants by eligibility categories is as follows: Income Eligible (80.5%); Homeless (0.3%); Foster (0.3%); Public Assistance (1.5%) ;100-130 over federal poverty GUIDELINES (11.4%); Over poverty guideline (6.0%)

Next Ms. Vaughn directed the council’s attention to several items. 1.) Health data on pages 7 and 8. Immunizations were at 100% for all age groups and all Head Start centers. 2.) On page 10, we looked at In-Kind Donations. Donations are down but the waiver request was approved by the Policy Council and is ready to be submitted.  3.) Family Engagement. It was noted the great things going on with father engagement.  Outdoor engagement is ramping up to include the transition ceremonies.

For questions and discussion: The question was asked for clarification on how it is determined which teachers get mentors. The response from Ms. Vaughn was that it is determined in various ways to include a request by the center manager or even the teacher themselves. There was also clarification around the number of attendees at the March Triple P meeting and that was cleared up by Ms. Hawthorne. Ms. Vaughn addressed a question that was posed about the deadline to meet enrollment requirements.

After the discussion, Donnittia Robinson moved the approve the Director’s Report as presented. Demetria Hall seconded the motion. Votes were submitted to the chat box. Motion carried.


The Budget Review was presented by Doris Pitchford, Director of Business & Finance. We are at 75% of the year and 70% consumption of the funds, which is on target. With the Head Start COVID Budget, we are at 50% of the time and have consumed 36.5 %. The reason it is not more is due to the planned summer program and the bulk of the funds will be spent over the summer. About 58% of the funds have been spent from the Consolidated Appropriations funds and are at 50% of the time. The credit card report was attached and there were no questions.

There were no further questions or discussion. Lakeisha Johnson moved to approve the Budget Review as presented. Carl Powe seconded the motion. Votes were submitted to the chat box. Motion carried.

Ms. Hawthorne added an announcement about the planning of the Parent & Policy Council Recognition Luncheon which is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17th.  She reminded the policy council of the Governance training that will take place on April 27, 2022. Training will be a hybrid format. And finally, a reminder for council members to turn in the confidentiality documents and surveys they received. Ms. Hawthorne said she would be mailing a hard copy because some were having trouble signing them electronically.

Tamika Rowe moved the adjourn the meeting and Angela Brown seconded the motion. Dorett Gunter adjourned the meeting.

Recorded by Angela Brown, Secretary
 Dorett Gunter, Chair