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Policy Council Minutes June 13, 2022

Submitted on: July 16, 2022

Monday, June 13, 2022

Members Present:  Dorett Gunter, Cherrie Kelly, Kanisha Davis, Avis Neal, Demeatria Hall, Tamika Rowe, Kendra Harris, Rosalind Moss-Parker, Donnittia Robinson, Lisa Butler

Excused Absences:  Angela Brown, Lakeisha Johnson

Mini training was presented to the Policy Council by Shannon Vaughn, Interim Head Start Director and Patrice Hawthorne, Family Partnership Facilitator.  Ms. Hawthorne explained the importance of the policy council being able to understand data reports when presented to them from service area managers.  Ms. Hawthorne used the management systems wheel to show that one of thirteen areas focuses on data and evaluation.  She explained that the program is in process of completing the annual Program Information Report (PIR).  This report shows data collected from various service areas and the program as a whole.  Ms. Hawthorne provided several examples of program data and stressed the importance of on-going monitoring.

The Policy Council meeting was called to order by Dorett Gunter, Chair. A quorum was met.


The May 16, 2022, minutes was presented to the Policy Council by Dorrett Gunter, Chair. After discussion, Tamika Rowe moved to approve the minutes as presented. Lisa Butler seconded the motion. Votes were submitted to the chat box.  Motion carried.


The Personnel Report was presented by Melissa Botsoe, Information Coordinator II/HR. Two candidates for Teacher II, one at Rutherford Road and the other at Willis H. Crosby, were presented. Also, five Substitute Teacher Assistant candidates for Rutherford Road, Westside, Pickens, BHW and Clemson were presented. Tamika Rowe moved to approve the personnel report as presented. Lisa Butler seconded the motion. Votes were submitted to the chat box. Motion carried. 





Education Credentials

Head Start

Kelsey Latimer

Teacher II

Willis H. Crosby

Associate Degree: Early Childhood Education. She has nine years of experience working with young children. She is a former Substitute Teacher Assistant at Willis H. Crosby Head Start Center.

Early Head Start

Alexis Griffin

Teacher II

Rutherford Road

Associate Degree: Early Childhood Education. She has two years of experience currently working with children and families at a Head Start Program in Georgia.

Head Start

Shalisha Lomax

Substitute Teacher Assistant


High School Diploma. She has four years of experience working with children of all ages at a daycare center. She is currently enrolled in the Early Childhood Education program at Tri-County Technical College. She is a former SHARE Head Start graduate.

Head Start

Dawn Winfrey

Substitute Teacher Assistant


High School Diploma. She has three years of experience working with young children at a child care facility. She is a former SHARE Head Start parent.

Head Start

Melissa Moore

Substitute Teacher Assistant


GED. She has experience with babysitting and raising young children. She has a grandchild currently enrolled in the SHARE Head Start Program.



Head Start



Tameka Gambrell


Substitute Teacher Assistant






High School Diploma. She does not have formal experience working with children. However, she has raised her own children and babysitting for others for many years. She is a former SHARE Head Start parent.

Head Start

Lakim Brown

Substitute Teacher Assistant


Bachelor’s Degree:  Elementary Education. She has worked as an elementary teacher for four years. She has young children experience with her own children.


The disabilities waiver request was presented by Shannon Vaughn, Interim Head Start Director. Due to COVID, over the last two years SHARE Head Start has been able to use the actual student enrollment to qualify for funding. That grace period has expired and now funding will go back to being awarded by funded enrollment for children with disabilities. Actual enrollment for Early Head Start meets the funded enrollment requirement but Head Start is below the required enrollment by 1.5%. Therefore, we will be submitting a request for a waiver for the 1.5% needed to fulfill the 10% mandate for preschool children with disabilities. We are seeking approval from the policy council for submission of the presented letter requesting this waiver by June 30, 2022. Tamika Rowe moved to approve the request for the Disability Waiver as presented. Demetria Hall seconded the motion. Votes were submitted to the chat box. Motion carried.


The Director’s Report was presented by Ms. Shannon Vaughn, Interim Head Start Director.  Ms. Vaughn highlighted the summer school program and its’ alignment with School Readiness goals. School readiness scores are monitored in three assessment periods by county. Participation has increased. Better numbers/data will be available for the next meeting.  The report included the data on the disability waiver.

Ms. Shannon highlighted the additional data on family engagement and PFCE. Ms. Hawthorne noted the seven categories, Family Well-Being, Positive Parent/Child Relationships, Families as Lifelong Educators, Families as Lifelong Learners, Families in Transitions, Connections to Peers and Community, and Families as Advocates and Leaders. Ms. Hawthorne explained how the assessment allows us to see how the families are progressing with their goals. 

Finally, Ms. Vaughn presented various efforts to increase enrollment with our program’s goal to be FULLY enrolled. Registration is increasing; however, staffing continues to be a challenge. We are still at approximately 86 vacancies. Efforts includes a committee who meets with Judge Johnson, Board Chair, to discuss various strategies for recruiting and retaining staff. This appears to be a nationwide problem Apprenticeships in partnership with Tri-County Tech could be a solution that has been discussed and is in the works. To meet the teacher deficiency, there may need to be a reduction in the number of classrooms as a last resort. Ultimately, the goal is to give our families quality care.

There was a question about what the plan or strategy in the event that staffing needs are not met to accommodate the number of enrolled children. Ms. Vaughn addressed the question by assuring the council that work is currently being done to acquire the number of teachers needed. This will be reassessed prior to the beginning of the school year.

Tamika Rowe moved to approve the Director’s Report as presented. Lisa Butler seconded the motion. Votes were submitted to the chat box. Motion was carried.


The Budget Review was presented by Doris Pitchford, Director of Business & Finance. The credit card report was presented and there were no questions.  Ms. Pitchford mentioned that we are over budget in Supplies, Contractual Services, and other operating cost for Head Start.  There is a surplus in those same categories in Early Head Start. We are still waiting for approval from Region IV on the budget revision that was submitted last month. Receiving approval will address the deficiency in the Head Start budget.

There were no questions. Tamika Rowe moved to approve the Budget Review as presented. Lisa Butler seconded the motion. Votes were submitted to the chat box. Motion carried.

Ms. Hawthorne posed the question for the council on whether they would like a hybrid meeting (in-person and virtual option) for next month. She would like members to submit their choice directly to her.

There were no other questions or concerns.

Tamika Rowe moved the adjourn the meeting.  Donnittia Robinson seconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned.


Recorded by:  Angela Brown, Secretary
Dorett Gunter, Chair 

SHARE helps people and communities exit poverty and achieve economic stability