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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. Is my child too young to have a mental health problem?
A. Children can develop the same mental health problems as adults, but their symptoms may be different. The mental well-being of a child I just as important as the physical well-being of a child. Good mental health allows children to develop and cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded adults. Head Start partners with the school districts and other agencies to provide early Intervention to children with social/emotional needs.
Q. What areas of development can my child be tested in if I have concerns about his development, speech or behavior?
A. Language- how many words he/she can say or carry on conversation or say sentences. Articulation / how he pronounces words; and produce sentences. Ex. stutters Gross motor- Physical capabilities- can he jump, run, kick, throw a ball ride bike or trike Fine Motor/ How the child uses his hands/fingers to write or cut scissors Developmental- delays or abnormal patterns. Ex. can child follow 1, 2 or 3 step directions, can he/she understand what is ask of him/her to do? Social/emotional- interact with others. Express feelings and thoughts, how well child respond with peers or others, does he cry a lot, shows empathy for others, plays with or by himself. Challenging / Inappropriate Behaviors- aggressive, hitting or hurting his friends or others, biting, spitting throwing furniture and objects at others.
Q. What is an IEP?
A. An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is an education document for children 3-21 who qualifies for special services under IDEA. The IEP focuses on special education and related needs of the child in schools. The Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that states that services are to be provided in the child’s natural environment at no cost to parents. Your child can receive itinerant services at Head Start or part-day services (going to a school district site for part of the day for special instruction and return to Head start.
Q. What is an IFSP?
A. An Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is a document or written plan for children ages zero through age two who qualifies services. The IFSP focuses on the child and the family and is an in-depth assessment of the child’s special needs and the needs and concerns of the family. (1) Information on the child’s present level of development in all areas. (2) outcomes for the child and family; and (3) services the child and family will receive to help them achieve the outcomes.
Q. What is Early Intervention?
A. Early Intervention is services and supports that are available to young children and their families who are at high risk for developmental delays, social/emotional delays, and other disabilities. This may include speech therapy, physical therapy, social emotional counseling and etc. SHARE partners with the local school districts and the Babynet (0-3) program to serve children who qualifies for services under IDEA ages 0-5.
Q. Will my child be labeled if he/she have an IEP or IFSP?
A. Having an IEP or an IFSP give children and families access to highly qualified specialists and services to assist your child as needed while he/she is in school. IFSP/IEP allows families be more involved in their child’s education. By law, It also protects child and family when the child have behavior issues or experiencing delays that may cause him/her to fall behind in school.