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Financial Assistance

To apply for financial assistance, please complete the online fillable application using one of the options listed below. After your application has been received, someone will contact you within 5 business days regarding required documentation to complete the application process.

Financial Assistance for Those Affected by COVID-19

Submission Option One

  1. Complete the DBA application and click on the submit application button
  2. Enter your email information when the send email prompt box comes up
      -Enter your email address and password
      -follow the remaining steps to the end
  3. Once complete, you will receive a message stating message successfully created
  4. Log into your email account and go to your drafts folder
      -find the email with Form Returned: DBA-Application in the subject   -Resume editing and send the email to complete the submission

Access Assistance Application

Submission Option Two

  1. Open and complete the DBA Application.
  2. Once the application has been completed choose File Save As
      -Save the file as your name_DBA_Application on your computer or electronic device
  3. Open your email application and attached the saved application file.
  4. Use SHARE DBA Application as the email subject
  5. Submit the application via email to [email protected]

Access Assistance Application